Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to all!!!


I've been an awful blogger. I haven't posted in a seriously long time and I'm sorry.
Needless to say we've been busy, with basketball season in full swing as well as all of the exciting events of the holiday season.

There's also another reason; Janni is such a part of our family that it doesn't feel like there is any real reason for blogging, nothing extraordinary going on.

Tom and I were at a Christmas party Saturday night and a friend asked me how it was going with "an added teenager living in the house."For the record, she meant nothing negative whatsoever by the question, and I have to admit that it confused me for a few minutes. I had to think if there was an extra friend staying with us (it happens quite a bit) and then I realized that she was talking about Janni.


I kind of forget that he hasn't always lived in our house, been a part of our family. That is such a huge testament to what an amazing kid he is - how lovable and adaptable. And today, on Christmas Day, I can't help but think about how much his mom, Maria, misses his presence. He was able to Skype with her, and with many other relatives, so I'm sure that helped but I am sure they missed his presence. While we were blessed by it.

Before I get too sad, thinking about the fact that Janni will be back with them next year, I'm going to sign off and post some recent photos.

Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours!!!

We are cherishing our blessings here at the Leahy casa!!!

Kids after church on Christmas Eve

Surprising Hailey with a car....gotta love that we were Facetiming with family so they could experience the moment too!

Christmas dinner!
(Yeah, this would've been a much better photo if it contained real, live people. But they were playing video games....and driving around. Hohohohoho!!!)

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