Friday, November 30, 2012

Giving Thanks and Gig 'Em!!

I've been a bad blogger.

But the truth is we've been going in a million different directions.

Janni enjoyed his first Thanksgiving - even though we ate a little later than planned since our stubborn bird refused to increase it's internal temperature as quickly as we would have liked.

It was the traditional southern Thanksgiving feast - turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, etc...
As Janni summed it all up "A holiday about food and watching football. I love it."

We all shared what we are thankful for and, not surprisingly, having Janni join our family was at the top of the list.

In addition to food, we mixed in some real, live football during the holiday break, traveling to College Station to watch the Aggies take on Missourri. We enjoyed time with the cute cousins and the grandparents and the fact that the Aggies blew them away was a bonus.

Janni seemed to really enjoy the atmosphere. And he looked really handsome in the Aggie shirt that Aunt Kim got for him. I have a feeling when the Nebraska cousins arrive next weekend they will be trying to pull him back to the "red side."
In addition to football, we are now officially in basketball season. Janni played yesterday and was a defensive star with several impressive rebounds. He plays again today and tomorrow so I will try and get some "action shots"!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

And he scores!!!

Janni played in his first American basketball game yesterday and his team pretty much killed their opponents.
I think he was nervous at first but he quickly got into the groove and had fun - scoring two for the Mighty Mustangs!!

He's definitely a fan favorite - the crowd went wild when he scored!

Off the court he's having a great time, I think. He's fully integrated into the swing of the social scene at Kingwood High School.

Cutting Max's hair.....
Cutting Janni's hair....
He looks like the All Star he is!