Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ketchup, Catching up

As usual, things have been moving at a pretty frantic pace around our house!
After the Homecoming excitement died down it was time for all of the teens to turn their focus to academics as it was the final week of the grading period and all of the teachers were cramming in final tests, papers, and projects.

Janni is doing well in school. Incredibly well considering he is learning in his fourth tongue...

I still get a lot of questions about our situation from friends and acquaintances. It's tough to answer a lot of them, to be quite honest. Yesterday a friend asked if we had gotten to the point where we had "quit being polite and start being real" (to quote The Real World).

That's an easy one: YES!

Janni has had a front row seat for some REAL family moments. Hailey has challenged me on multiple things on multiple occassions (and apparently I am M.E.A.N.) and we've argued as only mothers and teen daughters can. Despite this he says he STILL loves having a sister. I keep teasing him that one day he will look at me and tell me she is no longer fun to have around :)

One thing we all tease Janni about is ketchup. He loves it. On everything. Baked potatoes, tortillas, eggs, tacquitos...pretty much everything. In fact, I now buy the ginormous size:

In addition to Homecoming and football games, it's also time for KHS basketball to start gearing up. Janni played in his first American tournament with his team and they WON ALL OF THE GAMES. He's spending quite a bit of time with these great guys and really seems to be enjoying himself.

This Friday is what will likely be the biggest football game of the year - it's against Atascocita HS, Kingwood's biggest rival. In addition to the rivalry, many of the students are good friends with kids from other schools so there has been quite a bit of trash-talking back and forth. Hailey Z, bff to Hailey and a second sister to Janni, attends AHS so it will be a fun game - as long as the Mustangs win.

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